Hello everyone thought I should do an update on things!
Firstly the great dane mentioned in my news post is doing really well it seems! He is walking a bit more and trying to play more which is awesome, sounds like they got to him just in time. The 13 year old collie stayed with another family member in the end, sounds like someone came to their senses. Sadly though Floyd the pup with the horrid amount of hair had so many other health issues that it meant that the kindest thing to do was to put him to sleep. My heart sunk when that email came through, I hope my donation can help with another “Floyd” that will come through their doors.
So tomorrow marks three weeks we have had Holly and she is really finding her feet now! I have been keen to find out if it will be Darkley or Holly who is in charge and it turns out to be tiny Holly. Darkley is just more laid back right now it seems, he lets her have his toys and just lets her get away with all sorts. Holly’s fearfulness seems to be slowly fading too and her confidence is replacing that. She started barking at our neighbours today as they were too close to the fence, very bold of her! Darkley half-heartedly barked and backed her up! Her interest in the birds in the house is slowly going also, she only really pays attention to them when they are fluttering and excited. She got a telling off today for knocking the cage with her nose; luckily the birds couldn’t care less about it. Holly however ran away and sat in her bed and then came and nudged me to say “sorry”. The similarities between how Darkley was when we got him and how holly is right now are spot on. She still likes a good chew but only with toys, she will dig to china if allowed too and she has lost enough puppy energy to have a good nap in the day! Darkley still digs when he is bored; he digs little holes that you don’t see till you fall down one in the middle of the lawn! One of which I have kept filling in for the past few months. Holly has decided she would like to have a go at this hole now and I caught her with her head right down it with her bum in the air! I have to say our garden is very dog friendly, there are only a few places they aren’t allowed to go so I don’t tell them off for digging but they will get told to bugger off and do something else if I catch them!
Took Darkley to agility tonight and had lots of fun. Once I worked out what I was doing wrong (always the handler never the dog!) Darkley was a dream to handle over the first jumps! He did however seem determined to skip most of the course and head straight to the tunnel! Walking home in the dark and rain was a harsh reminder that summer is over though!
I caught Holly at 4am lurking about my room last night with her nose around the lizards. Yoshia the gecko was having a hard time shedding last night so I am guessing she was being more noisy then normal and this sparked Holly’s interest. I have introduced Holly to the geckos and Mojo and they fascinate her. She knows not to touch but it does not stop her looking and trying to stick her nose as close as she can to them! I told her to go back to sleep and she thankfully gave up her search for the geckos and thumped back down on my bed. The cheeky monkey!
I have booked to go away for a night in a few weeks and I am already being an over protective mum and thinking about all the things I will need to do to leave them with my mum. I leave them all twice a week to work nightshifts but still I am being super over protective about it! I am sure they won’t care if I am about or not really!
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